Ep. 281: Understanding Codependence, Its Origins, and How to Overcome It

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Recognizing and overcoming codependence can be a profound and life-changing journey, but undoing the deeply engrained layers of this behavior is not easy. I found this out the hard way after hitting what I call my “codependence bottom” after inviting my homeless friend to stay with me, leading to feeling trapped in my own home, and coming to the conclusion that I was codependent. This realization was a huge life shift for me and I want to continue sharing my experiences in hopes that other people can learn from my journey and start to undo their own codependent behaviors. This week’s episode 281 of the Fragmented to Whole Podcast is about understanding codependence, its origins, and how to overcome it! 

In this episode of the Fragmented to Whole Podcast, I’m breaking down the concept of codependence, where it comes from, and actionable steps you can take right now to build the healthy boundaries necessary to overcome codependent tendencies. 

Some of the talking points I go over in this episode include:

  • Codependence is a state of being focused on the needs and behaviors of others while neglecting one’s own wants and needs. 
  • Trauma is the root cause of codependence, as it disrupts the development of a stable sense of self. 
  • Overcoming codependence requires a long process of self-discovery, healthy boundaries, and focusing on self. 

I want to hear from you! What further questions do you have about codependence? Is there something I mentioned today that you would like me to expand upon? Send me a DM or an email and let’s chat. 

Learn more about Fragmented to Whole at https://higherpowercc.com/podcast/ 

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*Live your life by your own values and feel proud of that

*Learn to keep the focus on yourself and still be kind and helpful

*Come closer to realizing your authentic identity


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