Hi, I'm Barb. I had horrible boundaries too!

I had no boundaries and was constantly people-pleasing others, so if that’s you - I know what it’s like.

You’re constantly worried about what other people are doing (or not doing!) and what other people are thinking of you. Meanwhile, you’re neglecting your own needs and not taking care of yourself! (I know, because that was me!) I still help people, but I’m no longer rescuing them. And I help from a place of abundance, rather than a place of lack - my cup is full AND I'm not looking to get them to like me.

I have healthy boundaries now, which means I take really good care of myself, stay out of situations that drain me, and have plenty of energy to help those who are willing to help themselves. I no longer spend energy helping people who have no interest in helping themselves.

If you’d like to learn how to develop boundaries, stop the people-pleasing and take care of yourself I can help! I provide paid and free boundaries resources. There's a free worksheet and article below, as well as link to sign up for my Boundary-Building Starter Kit. My specialty is working with professional women who say yes when they really want to say no, and neglect themselves because they're so focused on others. Sign up for a 30 minute Better Boundaries call if you're interested in private or group coaching.

Boundary Building Starter Kit


Learn to confidently and calmly say 'no' to others without guilt and 'yes' to you without shame or shitting your pants!

Want to get started on learning my best approaches to building healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life? Learn my best core strategies, tips, tricks and mindset shifts on how to say ‘no’ without shame and ‘yes’ without guilt. These are strategies that are actually doable. They’re simple, but not easy. And I’ll be with you along the way.

This is a free multi-media starter kit for anyone who’s tired of saying ‘yes’ when they really want to say ‘no,’ and neglect themselves because they’re so focused on others.

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Say no to others and yes to you without shitting your pants??


You can learn to calmly and confidently say no to others without guilt and yes to you without shame or shitting your pants.

Most older women I know are torn between saying no to others then being riddled with guilt because they don't want to be mean, rude or seen as unhelpful. Personally, I was afraid of being seen as a "bad" person.

They're also torn about saying yes to themselves because they get flooded with shame and are afraid to be seen as selfish.

When they even think about asking for help they feel like they're gonna shit their pants and come off as weak.

BOUNDARIES because you need to get clear on where you end and others begin, what's your responsibility and what's not, what's okay with you and what's not.

BUILDING because this is a process. You'll get to know yourself and what's important to you so you know what your limits are and can communicate them calmly and confidently because you know who you are.

Guilt Free Guild

A twice-monthly coaching group for women focusing on boundaries in relationships, personally and professionally

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Tips and Scripts for Saying No in all kinds of situations - with family, friends or colleagues. You'll also be signed up to receive my newsletter. 😊

  • 7 tips you can use over and over again!
  • 11 scripts with the EXACT words to say no to people!
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Fill out the form below to download the Tips and Scripts for Saying No worksheet.


Some tips to help you recover from codependence

What people are saying

"Coaching has helped to take care of myself better. I now know what my personal values are and how to set boundaries to protect myself and remain safe."

~ R, Group coaching client

"[I came farthest in the area of] self love. The personal boundaries I've set for myself have finally allowed a connection between my logical positive thoughts about myself and feeling that they are true."

~ H, Group coaching client

"This has been life-changing for me in the best of ways. I realized that I've been trying to set boundaries for years but would always waver and eventually fold because I wasn't sure where I could set them and what was mine and what wasn't... Learning what was mine and what wasn't was the most important thing for me and what allowed me to start setting good boundaries."

~ E, Group coaching client

"I have never seen boundaries presented in such an amazing way. I will be working on it diligently in the next few days and weeks ahead. Love the fences and visuals." ~ Anonymous workshop participant