You deserve a life
free of guilt and shame
Are you tired of feeling guilty for prioritizing yourself? Is shame holding you back from asking for what you truly need?
Do you struggle to set healthy boundaries with others?
The Guilt Free Guild is here to empower you and provide a supportive group of like-minded women.

The Guilt Free Guild
A monthly coaching group for women focusing on boundaries in relationships, personally and professionally
First and third Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. EST/ 5:00 p.m. PST
Welcome to the Guilt Free Guild! 🌟 A Monthly Coaching Group for Women 🌟
Are you tired of feeling guilty for prioritizing yourself? Is shame holding you back from asking for what you truly need? Do you struggle to set healthy boundaries with others? The Guilt Free Guild is here to empower you and provide a supportive community of like-minded women.
Our Three Promises:
🌈 1. Say Goodbye to Guilt: Stop feeling guilty for saying no.
🌈 2. Embrace Your Needs: End the shame when asking to get your needs met.
🌈 3. Set Boundaries with Confidence: Stand firm in setting limits with others.
Join the Guilt Free Guild today and start your journey towards a life free of guilt and shame. Empower yourself and create lasting change.
What We Offer: ✅ Monthly Zoom Meetings: Connect with your fellow guild members and receive expert coaching to transform your relationship with guilt, shame, and boundaries.
✨ Online Chat: Stay connected with me and others between meetings to share your wins and get ongoing support that will help you thrive.
📆 Meeting Schedule: Join us on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, starting December 6, 2023.
💰 Pricing: Choose the option that works best for you:
- $55.55/month
- $555.55 for 12 months (2 months free!) Available beginning in Feb. 2024
This group is for you if...
- You're riddled with guilt when you even think of saying no
- The idea of trying to meet your needs or (God forbid!) asking someone for help gives you a flood of shame
- Any time you try to set boundaries with others, you cave in to their wishes
- You're tired of trying to make changes on your own and you want the support of a group of other women trying to make the same kind of changes as you
- You want expert coaching and would benefit from the accountability of being in a group
This group is *NOT* for you if...
- You're not ready to try something different and take action
- You think other people changing will solve your problems
- You're not ready to follow through and do something for yourself
- You can't handle me swearing or talking about God
- You're looking for an embodied, somatic healing experience rather than a mindset and behavioral approach (you might like this podcast and these courses)
- You prefer to work one-on-one with me (click here for private coaching info)
In This Coaching Group You'll Receive:
- Twice monthly group coaching calls where you'll receive expert coaching to transform your relationship with guilt, shame, and boundaries.
- A supportive group of like-minded women
- A private Facebook group so you can stay connected to me and Guild Members to receive support between calls

Hi, I'm Barb Nangle
For most of my life I just couldn't say no to people. Just the thought of saying no made me feel guilty, like I was being a bad person.
It never occurred to me to ask to get my needs met in my relationships. I was there to accommodate others. When the idea of asking for help or to get my needs met was introduced to me in 12- step recovery, I felt like I was gonna die at the idea of even asking!
I didn't really know what my limits were, and when I started to figure them out, the thought of setting them also made me feel like I was gonna die.
And guess what?? I didn't die! In fact, I became a boundaries coach. This work is a calling for me, not a job. I want for other women what I didn't have the first 50-something years of my life - to live without guilt and shame, and the ability to set limits with others without feeling like I'm gonna die! To feel comfortable in my own life while still being helpful to others.
THAT'S why I started this group!
- What will happen on the calls?
- There will be monthly theme which will anchor our discussion. We'll start with an icebreaker to get to know each other, since there could always be new people on the call. Then we'll read a randomly selected card from decks such as "The Language of Letting Go" and "Because I Love Myself." After that, we'll slide into 💖Love Seat 💖 Coaching (5-15 minutes per question usually). What that means is we’re gonna take a short amount of time and do coaching in a way that’s gentle and relaxing for the person who's got a situation or relationship she's needs coaching on.
- How long do I have to commit to the group?
- It's a monthly subscription model, so you can quit anytime after the first month. However, if you know you're gonna stay in the group, you get two free months when you sign up for a year.
- What if I can't make it sometimes, will the sessions be recorded?
- The sessions will not be recorded to maintain the privacy of those sharing on the calls.
- What platform is this coaching group on and how will it work?
- The calls are hosted on Zoom and the online community is on Telegram Messenger, which you can mute at anytime. You'll receive reminder emails with the zoom link the day before and the day of our calls. I recommend you put the dates on your calendar and save the Zoom link in your calendar.
- How will I stay connected with the Barb and other Guild Members between the meetings?
- You'll do that in the Telegram Messenger chat group. Between calls you can ask questions, request support or share what's going on with you.
- You'll do that in the Telegram Messenger chat group. Between calls you can ask questions, request support or share what's going on with you.
- What if I don't feel comfortable sharing my personal stuff with others?
- You're not alone, but it's usually easier to share that kind of stuff with others who are going through what you're going through. Of course you really don't have to share if you don't want to. If that's the case for you, please consider private coaching with me instead (click here to learn about private coaching with me).
- Do you do groups for men?
- At this time, I only do 1:1 coaching with men.
A Candid Moment
This video is a private moment that was captured at my 60th birthday women's brunch on April 1, 2023. I didn't know I was on camera!
When my friend shared it with me, I just knew I had to share it with others so they'd know who I am, what's important to me, and why I do what I do. This is not a "job" for me, this is a calling!
(2 months free!)
* Just in case you're wondering what's with all the 5's in the pricing...the price is $55.55 monthly and $555.50 annually because 5555 represents change, transformation and growth. It suggests that significant changes are on the horizon, and you may need to adapt to new circumstances. It can be seen as a sign of personal and spiritual development. It's exactly the right number for this Guild!
What people are saying
"I found working in a group a safer way to deal with my own stuff for two reasons: I can see other people’s pattern that I also have easier in them and it is comforting finding out I’m not alone in having that pattern. This created more compassion for myself and others."
~ Liz
"I saw that I needed to be honest with myself and others , and ask for what I need rather than replaying old patterns of manipulation and people pleasing...Barb taught me concrete strategies to say my boundaries and follow through on them. She helped me understand they are FOR me , not AGAINST anyone."
~ Carrie
“[With Barb's coaching] I quickly felt all the warmth and growth that is possible for a person when a lifelong shame finally thaws. Self-compassion is real for me now, for the first time EVER. No exaggeration."
~ Jean
"I really liked that in all of the discussions we had, every session there were multiple things that someone relayed that was really profound to someone else and significantly helped them on understanding the new topics we were learning."
~ Anonymous
"I just loved this meeting, I'm so glad I came! It was well worth my time tonight."
~ L.