80: How to Enjoy the Holidays by Setting Boundaries Now


You don’t have to do things you don’t want to over the holidays! This includes attending events, exchanging gifts, spending money or having uncomfortable conversations. You’ll learn a variety of tips for setting boundaries for the holidays, including some specific scripts so use and scenarios in which to use them.

I also recommend checking out this website for the CDC’s  considerations for the holidays. It gives ideas about holiday travel, as well as for those hosting and attending events. CDC considerations for the winter holidays.
You can either Google “CDC Holiday Celebrations” or follow this link:

Please follow me on Instagram @HigherPowerCoaching, and check out my podcast website fragmentedtowhole.com

Be sure to leave a rating of my podcast on your favorite podcast app (it helps other people who need this info to find me!). 

What is Fragmented to Whole: Life Lessons from 12 Step Recovery?

This is the podcast “Fragmented to Whole: Life Lessons from 12 Step Recovery.” It will help people who want to heal to move from fragmented to whole.

Hi, I’m Barb! I share my experience, strength and hope from 12 step recovery in each episode. They’re all 20 minutes or less. Unlike most recovery podcasts where you hear a person’s whole story, in this one each episode is about a specific topic.

There are many life lessons from 12 step recovery that are applicable to those in and outside of recovery. This podcast brings some of those lessons to the airwaves, including such topics as learning acceptance, recognizing and overcoming victim mentality and establishing healthy boundaries.

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