Kind Words from AMAZING People

I'm over the moon just thinking about all
the kind words people have said to and about me!

I created this page because so many of my clients share lots of details about their work with me and it feels wrong to keep it all to myself! However, I don't want to overwhelm readers with their full testimonials unless they actually WANT to read them. So here you go!

yay barb

~ Lindsay

Working with Barb has changed the trajectory of my life. Period. I am someone who has worked with therapists for decades, I have done some work independently, I am an avid reader on self-help topics. I've done retreats, yoga for therapy, plant medicine ceremonies, you name it. I fought long and hard to find the answers. Meeting Barb connected ALL the dots I've spent my entire adult life working on. I have actually worked with coaches as well but she's not just a coach - she has lived and breathed this material turning what were traumatic beginnings into something incredibly healing and fruitful and she is now passing on her life's education and gifts to us. It has been an incredible blessing to have found Barb and I will move forward from our sessions a far more whole, self-loving person than when we started.

~ Alison

I have learned so much from my coaching sessions with Barb. Her no-nonsense direct style and straight forward tools and strategies have been game changers in my life. Her ability and willingness to listen and work with me to build skills has been successful in helping me build lasting changes in my personal and work life. Before working with Barb I struggled expressing my true intentions and found myself in deep despair and resentment. With her framework, I've been able to collect tools and build strategies to implement stronger boundaries and ask for what I need. I'm grateful for finding her!

~ Tammy

Since coaching with Barb, life has gotten so much easier. I remember starting on our first call and feeling like I was a failure in every part of my life that matters… as a wife, as a mom, and as a business owner.
I am now much clearer on my boundaries. What I am willing and not willing to do. And the most surprising part? No one really notices where I have ‘dropped the ball’. All that self-sacrifice and people pleasing was only harming myself. Now I feel more empowered to speak my mind and voice my preferences. I don’t have simmering resentment and life looks and feels brighter overall.  Thanks Barb!

~ Chrissy

Before Barb's program, I was having a hard time finding balance in my life. I was just running from one thing to another and was not finding joy in anything I did. I was exhausted and burned out. I complained all the time. I didn't know how to say no to things I really didn't want to do. I was always angry and offended. I gave ultimatums, burned bridges and held grudges. I obsessed over things that weren't my business. My mind would ruminate out of control and I would replay situations over and over in my head. I didn't know how to let things go and was not very forgiving. I guess you could say I was a people-pleaser who didn't like people!! I was miserable and needed a change.

I am so thankful for Barb and her boundaries course. It has literally changed my life and how I look at and think about things. I have so much more energy now because I am only participating in things that truly bring me joy! I am not as angry anymore and am learning to mind my own business. I spend my time working on the things that I can change and don't waste my time obsessing over the things I can't. I am much more accepting of others and feel like I am building genuine relationships for the first time ever! My mind is quieter and I have so much more peace in my life.

Anyone and everyone could benefit from this program but especially people that are in helping professions. People in those types of jobs typically have a hard time saying no and are at a higher level of burnout because of it. I highly recommend Better Boundaries with Barb!!

~ Lauren

~ Emilie

~ Louise B.

When I started working with Barb I was in a state of transition in my life. I was grieving my husband who, although still alive, was in long-term care and unable to function physically and mentally. I had made the decision to start living my life for me. But  the prospect was daunting. It meant setting boundaries on everything from my finances to my time after years of putting my husband and my extended family first. Barb helped me to value and respect myself and to make that my center. I intellectually knew a lot about boundaries after more than a decade in Al Anon. The difference in working with Barb was her help in applying the principles to my present life and situation, her fresh way of explaining and conceptualizing those principles, and talking them through weekly with her. I had already become hooked on her podcasts. Working with her for three months put me on firm ground to start living a life of valuing and understanding myself. I can’t thank her enough!

~ Karie W.

Working with Barb has been one of the best gifts I could have given myself. She helped me understand my anxieties, helped me understand the value in setting boundaries for myself and others-and has been a true support when I needed it most.

Her work is thorough and concise, but more than that, she has an amazing understanding of recovery. I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for the work I did with this amazing inspiration of a person. ❤️

~ Diana L.

Before joining the coaching program Better Boundaries with Barb, I had done some reading on and had some practice setting boundaries but I was still full of self doubt and second guessing many of my “boundaries of self-protection”.

This program helped me to “take off the masks” I was wearing and get really honest about what my values, resources, strengths, and needs are today. Further, I learned how to use my specific highest values as a guide for decision making that enables me to live with integrity. Knowing how to do that has eliminated much of the self-doubt and second guessing I was experiencing.

Anyone ready to get clear on who they truly are today and how to live into that truth would benefit from working through this program guided by Barb’s wisdom and expertise on boundaries.

Again, I am so thankful for your help and will (and have already) recommend your program to others I think would benefit from working with you.

~ Jean L.

Without the ability to set and maintain the boundaries I needed, I couldn’t operate in the world without tending to others first, whether or not they asked for or wanted my help. Being so unapologetically other-focused, my only tool for relief was to cut people off and isolate when I hit a wall. Yet having squashed my needs and feelings for so long, I could no longer find any peace in isolation either.

Listening to Barb’s podcasts, I decided to take a chance with her, and it changed my life. As I moved through her 1:1 coaching program, I gained an understanding of why, where, and how to set boundaries, and got started right away. I trusted Barb’s immense scholarship, and quickly felt all the warmth and growth that is possible for a person when a lifelong shame finally thaws. Self-compassion is real for me now, for the first time EVER. No exaggeration. Boundaries are everything, and Barb is the master.

~ Denise D.

Before working with Barb I had relationships in all areas of my life that did not serve my highest good and that compromised my authenticity. With Barb I have learned how to set boundaries with effective communication that brings so much more peace and happiness to my life.
It’s a daily struggle, but Barb offers so many tools and materials and wisdom. I now understand that not only am I allowed to say and 'no' and what works for me, but that it’s a requirement for a happy life.   She’s such a kind and amazing person and has access to so much knowledge.

~ Jeanette M.

~ Carol L.

~Sarah G.

~ Chris L.

~ Cathy R.

~ Carrie B.

I came into coaching with Barb burnt out and ready for change . I was trying so hard at work, family and my marriage but feeling sad and angry much of the time . After working through the 12 steps in my recovery program, I saw that I needed to be honest with myself and others , and ask for what I need rather than replaying old patterns of manipulation and people pleasing. I needed help on how to do that.

I heard Barb on a podcast, looked up her podcast and website , and decided to work with her to learn how to build better boundaries, and stop people pleasing and manipulating. 

I feel like my Higher Power put Barb in my life at the right time . I learned that by getting clear on my values, and finding and prioritizing my integrity in those values , my boundaries became more clear and my ability to set them became easier. Barb taught me concrete strategies to say my boundaries and follow through on them. She helped me understand they are FOR me , not AGAINST anyone. I’m learning how my boundaries are the map I can share with others to build intimacy in my relationships, rather than being quiet and growing resentment in my old ways of interaction. I’m learning to grow intimacy rather than resentment.

After coaching, I’m growing and experiencing closer relationships with friends and family , and letting go of old patterns that were harmful to me and others . I feel a new freedom.

If someone is looking for more peace, and deep connection in their relationships with others and themselves, working with Barb will give you necessary tools and strategies to help you get there.
I’m grateful for my coaching experience with Barb. She helped me change my life and my relationships in positive ways .