Hi there!
Good for you for seeking coaching for yourself! With these coaching packages, you get coaching on any topic. People tend to come to me with relationship, often during times of transition (like empty-nesting, preparing for divorce). My specialty is coaching on boundaries, so if that's what you're interested in, click here to sign up for a free 30-minute Better Boundaries call.

I look forward to working with you!


One-Time Only

Coaching can be on any topic. You'll get 60 minutes of 1:1 time with me via Zoom, a video recording of the session and any resources or links I mention on the call in a follow-up email.



Three One-Hour Sessions*

Any topic. You'll get three 60-minute coaching sessions with me via Zoom, a video recording of the session and any resources or links I mention on the call in a follow-up email.



This is a steeply discounted coaching session with me while I'm puttering (doing chores, taking a walk, doing crafts). It's pure coaching, there won't be any resources shared, no recording, no follow up emails from me, just pure coaching. You can book multiple sessions but you have to book and pay for each separately.


What people are saying...

"In our puttering session you consistently reminded me to reframe my thinking and not fall back into negative or old ways of thinking. You also guided me in concrete ways of doing this.. Sharing your resources and knowledge was also helpful -  I looked up Tony A's 12 steps and found them radically different and without any shame inducing effects on me."

"Your suggestions for how to create a daily inventory that was geared to my tendency to escape through fantasy was helpful. You tend to get to the core of things like by saying that it sounded like I didn't want to feel my feelings. By doing that, you brought into view or awareness something that I would like to address. Thanks for your perceptive and direct approach!"

“Barb gave me concrete tools to help me better understand my own goals, and use that understanding to create healthy boundaries. I use them every day to not only find my boundaries, but also to be at peace with holding that personal space for myself.” 

"I said no to [soon-to-be-divorced-husband] about something today that I would’ve said yes to in the past, even though it is the last thing I wanted to do, and even when he said fine and started to stomp away, I didn’t relent and say “well we can look at it”, as is my pattern, but just sat there and let him walk away and sat with the terrible feelings that washed over me. I felt rigid, unkind, shame, uncooperative, not a team player and on and on. It really felt terrible, even though I absolutely knew I did not want to do the thing.

Now here’s the upside. Two hours later I just realized I don’t have to do the thing! And that starts to feel good. I didn’t know setting a firm boundary like that would feel so shitty at the time and try to convince me that a boundary is rigid and controlling. I think I have a real bias against rigidity and tend to extol the virtue of flexibility above all. I’m going to spend some time working on accepting my rigidity. She could hang out with me too, when needed, and without shame at her presence."

*Get Your Power Back Pack details. You'll book you first one-hour coaching session by clicking the "Book and Pay Now" button. We'll schedule your second and third sessions during call one. All three coaching sessions must take place within 30 days of each other. Questions? Click here to email me.