WEDNESDAYS, OCT. 23 - DEC. 11, 2024
12:00-12:45 ET/9:00-9:45 a.m. PST
Opening Retreat: Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024 2:00-5:00 p.m. ET/ 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. PT
With Boundaries by Design - A Blueprint for Your Life, it will be like having a manual for you, for your life. You’ll know where you end and others begin, what’s your responsibility and what’s not, what you like, want, need and prefer. You won’t go seeking outside yourself for validation and affirmation, you’ll get it from sticking to your Blueprint.
- Say no with calm confidence, rooted in your authenticity
- Say yes enthusiastically to things that light you up
- Have balanced relationships with both give and take
- Enjoy self care without feeling selfish
- Be generous with your time and talents in a way that's sustainable
- Be in healthy relationships
The Blueprint for Your Life will be personalized for you. I'll give you the framework, coaching and guidance, then you'll fill in what's right for you based on what matters to you most. See below for an example of what a Boundary Blueprint looks like.
This structured 8-week course is for you if…
- You just can’t say ‘no’
- You neglect yourself because you’re so focused on others
- You look on the outside like you have your shit together, but inside you constantly feel like shit
- You’ve had a string of unhealthy relationships
- You’re over-giving, rescuing, fixing, saving and maybe even enabling another adult
- You’re tired of reading and talking about boundaries and want to know how to define boundaries for yourself
- You could use organized support, practical tools and guidance on how to set and uphold your boundaries
- You like the experience and synergy of group work with others on the same growth journey a you
- You appreciate the structure of working with a curriculum that builds your knowledge and skills step by step
- You "live for" other people's opinion of you
- You find yourself thinking of all the ways you could or should have said "yes"
This program is NOT for you if…
- You prefer coaching on whatever's on your mind rather than a structured program
- You're looking for an embodied, somatic experience rather than a mindset and behavioral approach
- You’re put off or offended by people who swear (I’m not your coach if that’s you!)
- You can’t handle a straightforward approach with direct feedback
If you’re more of a visual person, this image of the Stages of Change might work better for you in deciding if this program is for you…
Prochaska & DiClementes

For those who identify as being in Contemplation, Preparation or Action Stages, Boundaries by Design is for you!
If you’re in one of the other stages, here’s what I recommend
- Pre-Contemplation: You’re not ready for this work just yet. I recommend you start by listening to my podcast, especially the 35+ episodes on boundaries which you can get free from my Boundary-Building Starter Kit, and/or attending a 12-step recovery program such as ACA, Al-Anon or CoDA.
- Maintenance: I recommend my 1:1 coaching or joining my twice-monthly coaching group for women, the Guilt Free Guild
- Relapse: Before I make a recommendation, I want to say a few of things about relapse. First, it’s not bad (notice it’s part of the model), but it’s not inevitable. Second, what “boundaries relapse” can look like might be things like:
- Recreating the fear, self-hate and abandonment that we did before we built boundaries
- Reenacting childhood family roles like the hero
- Dependent behaviors
- Acting out destructively for several weeks
- Staying in an abusive relationship without a clear plan to get out
- Self-harming behaviors
If you’re in the Relapse Stage, I recommend you to do 1:1 coaching with me, and/or go to one of 12-step meetings as recommended above in the Pre-Contemplation Stage.
Why I Created This Group

For years, I struggled with saying no. Fear of rejection and negative self-talk ruled my life, despite believing I had high self-esteem. I pretended I liked things I didn't, but wasn't really sure what I liked because I was such a chameleon. Constantly giving to others made me resentful because my own needs went unmet (because I acted like I didn't have any!). I neglected myself because I was taught that being selfish was the worst thing in the world and that putting myself first was selfish.
Everything changed when I learned to build healthy boundaries. Now, I calmly say no with kindness and confidence, I'm in balanced relationships with both give and take and I prioritize self-love and self-care. And I'm finally experiencing a healthy, fulfilling romantic relationship!
This group is for women, particularly in their middle ages, who crave that same life-altering transformation. If that's you, you've come to the right place! Here, you'll learn to express your needs directly, build confidence in your voice, and cultivate the most important relationship of all - the one with yourself.
The boundaries course will enable you to be in your life, your feelings, your relationships and organizations and be situated within yourself. You'll still be generous with your time and talents, but in a way that's sustainable.
Curriculum Structure
- The Foundation: Altering Your Mindset
- Developing Empowered Communication
- Stepping Out from Behind Your Masks
- Boundary Mastery: Consequences That Count
- Clear Lines: How to Know What’s Yours and What’s Not
- Nurture and Protect: Nurturing the Good, Guarding Against the Bad
- Boundaries That Shield: Protect Your Peace and Minimize Your Triggers
- Self-Containment Strategies to Guard Your Peace and End Chaos and Drama
- Guarding Your Sacred Resources
- Anchoring Boundaries in Your Values: Living on Purpose
- The Power of Healthy Connections
- Building Your Personal Boundary System
WEDNESDAYS, OCT. 23 - DEC. 11, 2024
12:00-12:45 ET/9:00-9:45 a.m. PST
Opening Retreat: Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024 2:00-5:00 p.m. ET/ 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. PT
In This Program You'll Get:
- Your own private Telegram channel with Barb so you can share things you're not comfortable sharing in the group
- A private, safe, & loving online community of up to 12 women building their own Boundaries by Design
- A three-hour online retreat to kick-start Your Empowered Life and bond with the group
- Eight weekly 45-60-minute group coaching calls on Zoom
- A growing multi-media curriculum of my best videos, articles & podcasts to create a Blueprint for Life
- A hard copy of my Better Boundaries Workbook comprised of 12 Modules with weekly training exercises to build your own boundary blueprint
- A complimentary 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with Barb during the course
- A customized boundary blueprint "cheat sheet" based on you and your needs (see sample below)
- BONUS: Free membership in the Guilt Free Guild twice-monthly coaching group while you're in this group

We might be a good fit as client and coach if you are...
- in 12-step recovery like me
- an entrepreneur like me
- "ripe for change" meaning you've know what's "your part" or want to know what's "your part" in the situations and relationships you've been through
Payment Options
Payment Plan
If this program is for you, you can pay to sign up. If you'd like talk to Barb first, sign up for a 30-minute Better Boundaries call at this link (but hurry, there's only a few days left!)
What people are saying
I really liked that in all of the discussions we had, every session there were multiple things that someone relayed that was really profound to someone else and significantly helped them on understanding the new topics we were learning.
~ Anonymous
"I found working in a group a safer way to deal with my own stuff for two reasons: I can see other people’s pattern that I also have easier in them and it is comforting finding out I’m not alone in having that pattern. This created more compassion for myself and others."
~ L.
Working with Barb in a supportive group decreased my shame and has enabled me to show up for myself more often, to be aware of times when I don’t, and to be gentle and compassionate with myself when it happens. There’s so much more I could say… I highly recommend working with Barb!
~ Sue
[After Barb’s program] I finally was able to see my part in my resentment and the disrespect I felt...As I…realized I was allowing the behaviors, I learned to be very clear about what it is I would and would no longer allow in my life. I have CHOICES and I no longer need to cave. I can choose myself, that is not selfish, it is Self-love. It was amazing to share this with others on the same journey. I am happy to report that I am feeling more at peace than I ever have before and I will continue to ‘Do the Work.’
~ Rose
When I started working with Barb I was in a state of transition in my life. I made the decision to start living my life for me. But the prospect was daunting. It meant setting boundaries on everything from my finances to my time, after years of putting my husband and my extended family first. Barb helped me to value and respect myself and to make that my center. I intellectually knew a lot about boundaries after more than a decade in Al Anon. The difference in working with Barb was her help in applying the principles to my present life and situation, her fresh way of explaining and conceptualizing those principles. Working with her put me on firm ground to start living a life of valuing and understanding myself. I can’t thank her enough!
~ Louise
I remember that boundaries are not to keep people out but to keep me in check and figure out what I truly want. I've been much better at not doing things because people will like it. I'm doing what I like first and foremost. I'm doing better at caring for MY time. First knowing what I want is important.
The boundaries group really changed my life a lot. I understand how boundaries keep me feeling happy now since I've felt free to establish them. I also don't feel bad about stating my needs anymore (respectfully, of course!)
~ E.
Rarely Asked Questions and Secret Fears
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