Stop bending over backwards. It's time to own your power with healthy boundaries!

Learn how to let go of the resentment you feel from agreeing to do things you don't want to so you can live the life you've imagined!

Next group starting soon!

Kickoff retreat: Sunday, September 24, 2022 from 1-4:00 p.m. EDT

Group meetings Wednesdays, September 28 - November 16, 2022 7-8:00 p.m. EDT

A 2-Month Group Coaching Program to Support You in Setting Healthy Boundaries with Your Family So You Can Do What YOU Want without Feeling Guilty!

Better Boundaries Group Coaching Is For You If...

  • You feel guilt and shame when you try to set boundaries with your family
  • You don't want to (or know how to) be direct with others
  • You're overwhelmed with what do your next in your life
  • You are so accommodating that you don't even know what you like anymore
  • You're the consummate accommodator and approval seeker
  • You engage in behaviors you're not really proud of
  • You're always focused on others and still have difficulty in your relationships
  • You like the idea of being in a community of other boundary-builders who are working on the same goals as you are

After Participating in Group Coaching, You'll...

  • Be able to feel peaceful and calm when setting boundaries with your family 
  • Learn to keep the focus on yourself and still be kind and helpful
  • Learn how to communicate directly with people without having a confrontation
  • Your feelings will become more "right-sized" and manageable
  • Do things because you really want to do them, not because you feel like should or have to
  • Live your life by your own values and feel proud of that
  • Come closer to realizing your authentic self so you can live happy, joyous, and free 

In Better Boundaries Group Coaching with Barb You Will Receive:

  • A game-changing four-hour online retreat to kick-start your Better Boundaries and bond you to the group
  • Eight weekly 60-minute group coaching calls on Zoom
  • A growing multi-media curriculum of my best articles & podcasts on building better healthy boundaries!
  • A hard copy of my 137-page Better Boundaries Workbook with weekly training exercises to build your own boundary system
  • A Private, Safe, & Loving online community of boundary-builders and boundary buddies
  • Between weeks 4-8, you'll get a private 30-minute coaching session with Barb to integrate what you've been learning
Barb Nangle portrait Feb 2023

Payment Options

Click here for more info about discounts for single moms

Pay in Full


BUILD Boundaries - Payment in full

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3-Month Payment Plan

3x  $350

BUILD Boundaries - 3 Month Payment Plan

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4-Month Payment Plan

4x $275

BUILD Boundaries - 4 Month Payment Plan

Start 4-Month Plan

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What people are saying

"I have been working on boundaries for over 20 years and your [Barb's] presentation was the BEST I have ever seen, read or experienced. I hope you will take this further and put it in a book."

~ B.

p.s. I did put them a book! the workbook is available here.

"I found working in a group a safer way to deal with my own stuff for two reasons: I can see other people’s pattern that I also have easier in them and it is comforting finding out I’m not alone in having that pattern.  This created more compassion for myself and others."

~ L.

"The boundaries group really changed my life a lot. I understand how boundaries keep me feeling happy now since I've felt free to establish them. I also don't feel bad about stating my needs anymore (respectfully, of course!)" ~ E.

6 months after Better Boundaries with Barb Group Coaching, L had this to say, "I remember that boundaries are not to keep people out but to keep me in check and figure out what I truly want. I've been much better at not doing things because people will like it. I'm doing what I like first and foremost. I'm doing better at caring for MY time. First knowing what I want is important."

"I really liked that in all of the discussions we had, every session there were multiple things that someone relayed that was really profound to someone else and significantly helped them on understanding the new topics we were learning."

~  Anonymous Boundaries Group Coaching Member

"I have never seen boundaries presented in such an amazing way. I will be working on it diligently in the next few days and weeks ahead. Love the fences and visuals."

~ B.