Barb Nangle portrait Feb 2023

Hi, I’m Barb, boundaries coach. My specialty is working with professional women who say yes when they really want to say no, and neglect themselves because they're so focused on others.

I speak, write and coach about healing and growth from the viewpoints of 12-step recovery and life coaching. My ideal clients are those who are "ripe" for change and ready to do the work it takes to transform their lives. If you'd like to see a more professional resume, here's my LinkedIn profile.

In 2015 at the age of 52, after decades of therapy and tons of self-help work in a variety of areas, I found myself in 12-step recovery. I've been in two such fellowships since then and have changed deeply and profoundly as a result. As a former addict and people-pleasing rescuer, I empower people to live their lives on purpose by coaching them to build boundary systems in their personal and professional lives.

I'm also the host of the podcast, "Fragmented to Whole: Life Lessons from 12-Step Recovery" where I share my "experience, strength and hope" of recovery in 10-20 minute weekly episodes.

If you want to learn a lot more details about me (and I mean a lot) click here for more about Barb. If you'd like to know how and why I became a boundaries coach, you can read about that here.

Another thing you should know about me is that I have a strong social justice orientation. To me, that means I believe in using the privileges I have as a white, heterosexual, educated cisgender woman to benefit those who have been marginalized in our society. If that's not something that you value, we probably won't work well together.

Mission: The mission of Higher Power Coaching & Consulting is to help people heal their emotional, psychological and spiritual wounds, change their entrenched patterns of dysfunctional behavior, and bring the tools, tips and tricks of 12-step recovery to the mainstream.

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Tips and Scripts for Saying No in all kinds of situations - with family, friends or colleagues. You'll also be signed up to receive my newsletter. 😊

  • 7 tips you can use over and over again!
  • 11 scripts with the EXACT words to say no to people!
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Fill out the form below to download the Tips and Scripts for Saying No worksheet.


A Candid Moment

This video is a private moment that was captured at my 60th birthday women's brunch on April 1, 2023. I didn't know I was on camera!

When my friend shared it with me, I just knew I had to share it with others so they'd know who I am, what's important to me, and why I do what I do. This is not a "job" for me, this is a mission!